Tworzymy dynamiczne materiały wideo dla wydarzeń, festiwali, konferencji i projektów komercyjnych. Łączymy kreatywność z precyzją montażu, dbając o każdy detal – od uchwycenia kluczowych momentów po płynny proces postprodukcji.

Jeśli szukasz profesjonalnego zespołu do realizacji wideo – zapraszamy do współpracy!




Package: €1000

  • One day of filming (up to 4hours)

  • A fully edited, publication-ready video (1min) delivered within 2 days of filming, including licensed music

  • Travel costs included for shoots in Germany and Poland


Package: €1400

  • One day of filming (up to 8hours)

  • A fully edited, publication-ready video (1–2 minutes) delivered within 2 days of filming, including licensed music

  • Option to record interviews with selected individuals

  • Photography package with 10 retouched photos

  • Travel costs included for shoots in Germany and Po

Package: €1800

  • One day of filming

  • A fully edited, publication-ready video (1–2 minutes) delivered within 2 days of filming, including licensed music

  • Two vertical social media reels (max 15 seconds each, 9:16 format)

  • Option to record interviews with selected individuals

  • Photography package with 20 retouched photos

  • Travel costs included for shoots in Germany and Poland


Impreza firmowa

Social proof - referencje ? berry / especto / + moje foto

Feel free to contact us via email: or fill out our contact form to discuss the details for your upcoming event. is a Berlin - Kraków based media production company with over a decade of experience in video, photography.

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